The power of asking “why”
Its today. We wake up. We breathe. We take a shower, or we don't, we eat, or we don't, we start our day. All of us. All of us start our days. We start them with happiness or anger, peace or war, hate or love, melancholy or loneliness. But we all start it. We start it with the hope to find happiness, with the hope to find love, with the hope of learning, with the hope of finding clean water, with the hope of spending a bit less carrying the food from the harvest to our house. We all start.
We start without thinking who we are, we start it without observing, we start it without analyzing…now, you must be wondering: but asking and analysing what? Well, yourself. Why are you today at the place where you are? by your own or with a partner? With money or without money? Why do I have money and the other 99% does not? Why am I alive and thousands of life's are leaving the world today. Why?
The power of why, human. Because without the why, you are empty. You know nothing. Can you truly think without a why? Start over, start tomorrow, or the day, week, or month after…but ask the why. Because the why makes you human. The why gives you awareness. The why, with time, will answer all your questions, all my questions.
So start again, start tomorrow. Lets all wake up, lets all breath, lets take a shower, or not, lets all eat, or not eat. Lets start our day with happiness or anger, peace or war, hate or love, melancholy or loneliess. But if we are alive and wide awake, lets ask the why. And with the why, we will win mentally. Maybe not physically, maybe not happily, but our mind will understand your surroundings and yourself. And if you understand, if you truly do, you need no more to find your inner awareness which will connect you to living a marvellous life with a beautiful mind.